Monday, October 8, 2012

Wasted Hair/Makeup

Man I'm out of practice. I forget how hard it is to find time to do little things like this when I'm at school. And we're only starting our second full week of classes. Oy vey.

Lately I've just been really busy with Blood Brothers. We're almost done blocking (yayyy!!) and then will be able to move on to super cool exciting character development and scene work and runs and tech and shows. It's weird because the show, which happens in 4 weeks, seems so close and so far away at the same time. Maybe it just seems close because every minute of my time is schedule out until that day.  I lucked out in that I don't have any midterms the week of tech, only before and after- phew.

Other things that have been worrying me: I've been thinking a lot about deactivating from my sorority and auditions. Mainly I think I want to deactivate because I just haven't made any super strong relationships there yet, and if I continue to work on shows, which I'm kind of planning on doing at this point, I don't know when I ever will have the time to make those relationships. Basically I just don't have the time or energy to put effort into the sorority and I don't like paying for something I'm not taking/won't be able to take full advantage of. I emailed our president saying a shortened version of this and so now we're going to meet for coffee tomorrow. I'm nervous, because I know she'll come up with a zillion great reasons to stay in- but it's at the point where she can't convince me I have all these close relationships and the support system there when I don't.
Auditions were this weekend for winter shows and so I've just been anxious the past few days. I'm really horrible at auditions. In high school it was fine, because you just had to know the music in the show you were auditioning for beforehand, they'd give you a cut, you'd do a little scene- bada bing done. Here/in the real world there's the huge enormous gigantic added pressure of picking your own material, and let's just say I'm not up to the challenge. I don't know why, but I'm completely incompetent when it comes to know what works for an audition and what doesn't. Clearly this continues to be true, since I only got called back to 2/22 shows auditioning in generals. Awkward thing is that the two I was called back for are musicals, when I thought my musical auditions went pretty horribly and my plays went okay. I'm also annoyed that I did my hair for play auditions and then they didn't even have the decency to call me back. Like, my hair looked really good for you people. I put on makeup. What. Annoying wasted effort.

All these things and more have been causing me to have major sleep issues the past week. Even when I'm exhausted/have taken Nyquil, I haven't been able to fall asleep until at least 2 in the morning. It sucks. Like a lot. Especially since I have no time for naps. Take for example right now. It's 1:38AM and my eyes are drooping. However, after I finish this post, turn out the light and snuggle in to bed, I can bet you that it will be at least 2:30 before I'm asleep. Maybe not tonight because I'm really, really, really tired. Let's hope at least. But then tomorrow my schedule's crazy: 12 coffee w/ president, 1 econometrics, 3 acting, 5 tap, 6 rehearsal, 10 meeting with accounting group, 10:30 prod meeting. So I have to wake up early enough to do work to prep for the accounting meeting, and I should probably work on my production analysis since I wanted to finish that tonight. Stupid baking for the bake sale put me behind! Except I love it. Baking is so much more fun than anything else I had to do on this list.

Last week when it was still nice enough to not wear a jacket

Left shot: ugly boots and warm weather
Right shot: arrived at a show in this sketchy building super early, so we took edgy hipster pics on Instagram to pass the time. lawlz

Audition outfits, oy

Monday, October 1, 2012

Big Bite Sunday

Less to write about right now, more of an outfit diary- but not even that because I keep forgetting to take pictures. Or get distracted and change before I realize I forgot to take pictures. Major struggles.

Mainly the last few days have been a lot of sleeping/being in bed trying to get over this stupid back-to-school cold. Luckily I've been overdosing enough on Vitamin C to kick this thing pretty quickly. Just gotta continue it through the week since winter general auditions are next weekend. I think I have one song and one monologue set, and then still need to decide on one of each. And learn the monologue. Awkz. 

Today was a pretty go-go-go day for me, beginning with waking up at 10:50am when my Blood Brothers rehearsal started at 11:00. I made it there at 10:57am, which is why I'm kind of impressed with the outfit I had put together in such a short period of time. I was also wearing a pair of dark grey socks, but as I said before I forgot about this and took them off pre-photos. Whoops. They were cute. Anyway after rehearsal, we had this speaker we had to go see to talk about how to be a good conversationalist during sorority recruitment. She was actually pretty good, I liked her a lot more than I thought I would. Then came the highlight of my day: big bite night. I hadn't gone last year because I'm an idiot, but it was the most magical devanston has ever been. A lot of restaurants in the area just handed out free food and coupons and it was so satisfying since I hadn't eaten a meal in over 24 hours (no time this morning! Did I mention I got ready in about 4 minutes???) Then today was my friend Ali's 20th birthday, and to celebrate she was having a not-growing-up themed party, and we watched Mulan, and ate gourmet ice cream cake, and it ruled. Tonight I baked some apple-pie-in-apples and rice krispie treats that look like pumpkins for our Blood Brothers bake sale on Tuesday. Om nom. I have also taken a melatonin and my eyes are getting droopy so I think it's time to sign off. Adios.