Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Holy 65° Batman!

It was ridiculously warm for a Chicago day in March, let me tell you. I enjoyed my first encounter with the lakefill today post enjoying sleeping in until 1:30 pm. Holler being done with classes. 
Awkward because of the wind, but just ignore that. Like, I didn't even bring another coat today. This is madness! And apparently it's supposed to be similar tomorrow. 
I spent this evening cooking vats upon vats of Kraft Mac n' Cheese for our new member philanthropy event raising money for Supplies for Dreams. Left at midnight and it's still going until 2 am- rough times for the people who are there 5 hours straight. Anyway it was sups successful, as of while I was there, so hurray! Now I have to write a 3-page reflection paper, about how my theatre tech class helped me to "grow as an artist," shoooo

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