Friday, April 13, 2012

Busy Bee

Gah I've already gotten out of the habit of posting, but I shall work on that. This week has been a little crazy, but looking ahead at my schedule I don't really see it letting up anytime soon- oh well.
Yesterday I had almost every minute scheduled: wake up, class, homework, voice, homework, class, dinner, zumba, Little Prince, prod meeting, home at 11:30. I also realized that I hadn't watched tv since I was home last weekend for Easter because I've been trying to be a diligent student... alas it seems to not entirely be paying off, as I just got two assignments back that I was decently confident about and did not go as well as I expected. Two midterms next week. Rehearsals starting for Marriage of Figaro. hsojskojswaio
Anyway, here's what I've been wearing I guess

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