Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lunch Drams

Today has been a day of ups and downs so far: first, I was planning on having lunch with my mom at OPH today after she met the plumber at Allie's apartment. However, she got hung up there because she realized we had to take off all the tape and edge the bathroom, so she cancelled on me to work there today (we'll probs go tomorrow, so it's all good). BUT then, I hadn't prepared a lunch for today, as I was not expecting to need one! I had my PB&J that I brought yesterday, but didn't eat because of the gyro, but I had nothing to go with it because I ate my grapes yesterday! An old PB&J on its own would not be great. BUT NOW it's free lunch day! Even though it's not a Friday! I am still very confused and surprised but so please because it could not have come at a better time. Pulled chicken sandwich heading my way!
Phew that was a stressful experience. Work today couldn't be going by slower, unless I didn't have internet again. I read our latest MSP Magazine this morning, then started looking up pictures of our clearance stock on lighting websites. I've made it about halfway through my list of inventory, so I figure that's enough for today... gotta save some work for the rest of the week, right? So tomorrow I'll finish finding those pictures, and Friday I can finish the inventory that I need a ladder for and find those pictures. Solidly splitting up the work, holler.
Luna and I, just hangin' out

After work imma be heading over to Natalie's house so we can start planning the road trip! One stop that is a must: Minnesota's Largest Candy Store. How I never knew this place existed, just like 45 minutes south of the Twin Cities in Jordan, is a mystery. It looks INCREDIBLE. I just, I can't, too excited.
We'll plan our route and figure out which day I'm flying back, and then the stops we want to make along the way. This should be fun because I love planning...
It's our last day with Nugget :( I really don't want to give her back. Can't decide if it's a better idea to go home after work quick and snuggle her or just leave it- Nugget goodbyes are hard! Just look at that little face!

Rehearsal tonight at 7 until 10 again. Last night was fine, just long. It's a little weird because all of our set is in the space now, so we're like pantomiming benches and podiums and stuff that you think we would need in the last week of rehearsal? I don't know, it'll be fine, it's just strange. Still no word on when we'll get our costumes... I'm antsy, I just really want to see them! Most likely it'll be like a black and white dress, but who knows.

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