Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dog Poop

Well here's what happened: I wrote this whole post yesterday, hit save and closed it to add photos when I got home from work. BUT it all deleted and in fact did not save. Boo technology. I am going to try and recreate it with some updates as well.

Friday was my friend Natalie's birthday, and to celebrate we went to Nickelodeon Universe after work. I had been boycotting Nickelodeon Universe because I was a huge Camp Snoopy fan, but the time had passed and the new rides are pretty awesome...

Hittin' up the NU

Also Natalie's mom Kitty got us cupcakes from Yum that were Patti Cake on the bottom and chocolate mousse on top. So so good.

Saturday was spent driving to and from downtown, firstly for my ballet class, and secondly to go to an Idina Menzel concert- the tickets for which Natalie got for her birthday. I'm in a Beginner 2 ballet class, since I thought I should start off slow after not taking dance since I was 8 or 9. Nope. This class is not at all what I would consider "beginner." A good chunk of the class takes many different dance classes at Zenon, and many have taken this class before. It's been an unexpectedly nice challenge, because I really don't want to be the worst one in the class... And I don't think I am. Improving!
That night was the Idina concert, and the poor thing was so sick but decided to go on anyway. She ended up sounding great anyway, and only skipped one song. Also, she's really funny, which I wasn't necessarily expecting. Overall enjoyable way to spend the evening.

Zara skirt, Urban Outfitters corset, Tiffany necklace, ring from Mexico silver mine

Sunday we went to Ikea to scope out furniture for my sister's new condo (she's closing on the 23rd!). It's right off of Loring Park in between downtown and uptown and is pretty great. She's getting really excited for decorating and furnishing. However, going to Ikea mainly reminded me of my lack of apartment next year. The latest on the apartment front is that Evanston Place was too expensive. So then Maia and I looked into another building which is a block down the street called Park Evanston, and basically I'm a little obsessed with it. With 4 people, or even 3 people, it's very affordable. The apartments are about 100 sq ft larger than the EP apartments. There was a doorman. Washer/dryer in the apartment. Walk in closets. AKA perfection. The whole thing just fell apart kind of, with the fee for pulling out of the housing contract, and I'm not entirely convinced that the 4th roommate ever really wanted to move off campus. Now my mom's trying to get me to find a place where I could live with Maia possibly, a 1 bedroom. She's really into the idea of an apartment and hates the dorms because: they're loud, they're crowded, the facilities aren't great, and I'm always sick in the dorm. True life.

Yesterday Max pooped in my office. It wasn't great. We also set up our new tv that we got from my grandpa and it is gigantic. Like, monumental. I also went for a run outside and am now wondering what on earth I was thinking. My thighs and lower back are so achy blech. And yet since I have decided to do this two week shape up type program, I will have to find some other cardio I can do with the strength moves because lord knows I will not be running every day. Hopefully Zumba counts because that's my jam.

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