Monday, July 30, 2012

London 2012

The olympics are on! Too bad I missed the majority of the opening ceremonies due to rehearsal. It was sad but I still got to see the lighting of the torch and Paul McCartney! We've had the games on for the past few days, but it's hard to watch with my mom (especially swimming) because she gets really intense and yells at the TV.
Leotard. In love.
Desperately need to paint my toenails... to do this week

Anyway, this weekend was a blessing; last week was a muck of work/Salem/work/Nugget/work/House/work. It was exciting for me on Thursday when I got to leave work at 2:45... because I had a dentist appointment. That was my only outing/event week, minus when I was social for like two hours on Tuesday and went swimming at Natalie's house. Like, how sad of a person do you have to be when you look forward to the dentist? Mockery of a sham. I feel kinda like my whole summer has been this way, though. It's just work all day, and then in the evenings I either have rehearsal or am too tired to meet up with friends and fall asleep on my couch. The mess in my room has been piling up and I never have the time/energy/commitment to clean it. I've been okay about working out, but this week I haven't been doing every day like the weeks before and so the laziness is catching up to me. I did manage to go for a run on Friday, but as tonight is my only night this week without rehearsal (we open on Saturday!) I'll probably just nap when I get off of work. I also want to find new audition material, both monologues and songs, and try to master it this summer, but that hasn't happened yet. I haven't been on the lake yet or to a bonfire or made a s'more or done any of the usual Minnesota summer activities. Like, I say that I'll just do this stuff later, but then the next thing I know it'll be September and I'll be back in school thrown into what I know is going to be a challenging fall quarter. Maybe I'm just whining because this summer hasn't really been fun or exciting, but I feel like I haven't even accomplished anything either. Yes, I'm making a good amount of money at work, and I will be in a show, I've only missed two ballet classes (for rehearsal and then painting this weekend), but that doesn't seem like enough to me. I guess this summer is teaching me that what I find most important is professional fulfillment, and I'm just not getting that. There are plenty of people who would be happy to get paid for doing little to nothing at work, but it makes me think that I'm cheating the company out of money that they need, like they gave me this job as a favor to a family friend and while at certain times I'm useful- like when the phone's ringing- for the most part I'm a drain on resources. Also I'm mad at the government for taking almost $200 out of my last paycheck.

Okay, there's a rant that makes me sound like a really angry person, but I'm not really angry, it's more of a mild annoyance that's in the back of my mind. And I'm not thinking about my strugs this summer all of the time, just times like this when my mind is wandering. But the weekend was good! And there are still a lot of fun things to look forward to. This morning I made a chai tea in our Keurig, and it's actually surprisingly delicious. I didn't have any cavities at the dentist and the technician said she saw a huge improvement in my gum health. I'm on level 13 of Bubble Town for the third time and will get to 14 today if I have anything to say about it.

Awkward and taping

Nugget loves painting. And look at those edges! Works of art!

We spent this weekend painting my sister's new apartment, and it's starting to come together nicely. We finished the bedroom, and edged the main living room/kitchen. The bathroom will probably be edged today, and then we'll try to roll the big room sometime this week. Also, painting takes a long time. Or not even painting, but taping. I spent the entirety of Saturday just taping- what?? But we got King and I Thai for dinner on Friday because it is one block away from Allie's place (!!!!). It was so good. We got the cream cheese rolls and pad thai and feasted. And to celebrate our work for the day we got McFlurries for dessert because McDonald's is the only/closest ice cream place open at 10 o'clock. Sunday I spent edging, then peaked at 4:30 to go to our four hour tech rehearsal at the Rarig. The space is really nice, big, but our technicians were kind of rude. Understandable since some of our people in charge were not listening to their instructions, but still. It was nice to see our space and how lighting is going to work and everything, but just a draining, rough experience, as most tech rehearsals are. We were also a few minutes over the Fringe time requirement of 60 minutes, so this week we'll really need to tighten up timing because if you go over the time at all they bring up the house lights on you- not a great way to end your show. Chex mix and bars for dinner after the rest of my family had a delicious meal at our family friend's house of pork, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and fave buns. Whatever. The best news of all is that we get to keep Nugget for another couple of days because her owner is working late at the Twins games for the nest few nights! Yay!!!

                                    Living Room/Kitchen                                Bedroom

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