Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hair and Relaxation Station

I finally FINALLY got my hair cut and I am lovin' it. I have some new tools to pick up at Target, aka a bristle round brush and large velcro rollers, but that's not even a problem because I really like this look. The question now is how it'll look if I just shower, wear it curly, and run without other styling- so we'll see how that works out. But I think that whenever I have time to style it and dry it I definitely will. Thoughts?

Post Don-Tres Jolie, Aunt Meg and I went for a coffee and talked, and then went to her house for some Lifetime viewing because there are no good movies out right now. This morning we went to Fat Nat's Eggs and got huge massive gigantic amounts of food for $2. Actually more like $6 but you get the point. I got home a bit ago and saw my parents for the first time in almost a month, and we went over the basic plan for the next few weeks. I also didn't realize right away but today is my parents 38th wedding anniversary! How crazy is that? And how bleak must those 19 years have been before I was born? Lawl. To celly tonight, my sisters are probably coming over and we're going to get chinese takeout from Jade Fountain. NOM.

So my job for today is cleaning out my closet, and by proximity probably my room as well. I'll be posting my fall fashion preview later tonight! For now, a little TV first.

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